Address Unfair Treatment at Work: 3 Strategies

Are you settling in at home to unwind from a long day, or are you still toiling away at your desk, working overtime? In the workplace, it seems almost inevitable to hear complaints such as:

  • “They gave him the best project again; our boss definitely has favorites.”
  • “Why do I always get stuck with the tedious tasks when we’re all part of the same department?”
  • “The contract mistake wasn’t even on my end, and somehow I’m the one taking the blame.”

Have you ever found yourself in situations like these? For the majority of people, such scenarios can evoke feelings of anger and disappointment due to a perceived lack of fairness.

Is the workplace truly a fair environment? This isn’t an easy question to answer. If we say it’s fair, we might seem out of touch or overly optimistic. On the other hand, declaring it unfair could make us appear cynical.

Today, let’s delve into the topic of unfairness in the workplace together.

1. Is Your Perception of Unfairness Justified?

In our day-to-day work, it’s common for individuals to subconsciously feel that they’re putting in more effort than their peers, yet reaping fewer rewards. This is a typical cognitive bias known as the self-serving bias, which describes our tendency to attribute positive outcomes to our own character but attribute negative outcomes to external factors.

When everyone perceives the workplace as unfair, have you ever stopped to consider whether what you see as unfair is genuinely so? For instance:

  • Perhaps a new employee is earning a higher salary than you because they have already obtained the highest professional qualifications in their field.
  • Maybe a colleague who doesn’t get to the office until 10 a.m. yet still receives a perfect attendance award is on-site meeting with clients as early as 7 a.m., enduring hours in the cold.

Before jumping to conclusions, it might be worthwhile to gather more information and consider whether your perception is skewed due to a lack of complete information.

2. Polish Your Skills and Continuously Strengthen Your Advantages

It’s important to acknowledge that fairness in the workplace is relative and conditional. So, what should we do when faced with such situations? Remember, everything we achieve is the result of our own efforts.

In our day-to-day work, we should bravely hone our unique strengths and apply them to various tasks. When facing challenging assignments, use your strengths to find a starting point. This approach not only boosts your confidence but also makes it easier to find a breakthrough in your work.

Strengths often imply talent, and talent means immense potential. So, never miss any opportunity to grow in the workplace. As you continuously enhance your abilities and strength, you’ll notice the scales of fairness in the workplace gradually tipping in your favor.

3. Maintain the Right Attitude and Control Your Emotions

In society, and especially in the workplace, there are plenty of unfair situations. When these occur, it’s natural to experience a range of emotions, which can significantly impact our judgment. After all, we’ve all had moments of impulsivity, haven’t we?

Psychology suggests that emotions serve as informational cues, directly influencing our decision-making and judgments. Moreover, if we dwell on every injustice, it could lead to negative impacts on our mental health over time.

As resilient “cockroaches” of the workplace, we must shake off our fragile nature and rationally face workplace injustices.

Here’s wishing every “player” battling through the workplace finds their “strategy guide” to realizing their own value!

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