The Shadow Thief: A Tale of Self-Redemption

If you were to write a letter to your grown-up child offering a couple of insights about happiness, what would you say?

The narrative of “The Shadow Thief” presents such a scenario. The mother earnestly provides the boy with many insights on happiness, thereby inspiring him and his companions. This notion could perhaps offer some insights: Precious moments in life often stem from trivial matters, and so does happiness!

“The Shadow Thief” is a tender, healing novel that has touched the hearts of many across France. It tells the story of a frail little boy, often bullied by classmates, who becomes empowered due to a unique ability. He can “steal shadows” from others, enabling him to see their concerns and hear the secrets they dare not utter. Consequently, he becomes a comforting companion for those in need, helping to find a tiny spark of light for every shadow he steals.

The narrative is whimsical and warm, gently unfolding like a fairy tale. Beneath the magical veil, author Marc Levy narrates the ordinary lives of ordinary people, revealing the gentle yet steadfast strength within them. Meanwhile, he makes us realize that the ability to seek happiness amidst adversities, hold onto happiness, and spread happiness to others is indeed a treasured capability.

1. It’s Challenging to Find Happiness Without Appreciating Yourself

“A person who doesn’t appreciate themselves finds it hard to be happy.”

Initially, the school guard, Ivan, is portrayed as such a person. He’s the first friend the boy makes at school. Throughout the new term, during challenging times, Ivan is often there with the boy. Whether rescuing him from a locker, helping clean up fallen leaves as a punishment, or lending an understanding ear to his sorrow of losing his father.

Yet, Ivan masks his true self well. In reality, he’s stuck in childhood, living a dreary life, unable to recognize his own merits, let alone appreciate himself. He often pretends to the boy that he has a loving mother, but his mother passed away during childbirth. Never experiencing motherly love, he harbors a profound, unfillable sorrow, a chasm that seems bottomless. This unhealed wound binds him, keeping him distant from happiness, recognition of his own identity, and life planning. Following a fire in the tool room, Ivan fabricates a story that a letter from his mother was destroyed.

Discovering the truth, the boy vows to let Ivan feel a mother’s love. He orchestrates a plan where his own mother writes a loving letter, buries it in the ashes, and later guides Ivan to find it. The plan unfolds smoothly, and not only does Ivan find the letter, but he also feels greatly inspired, realizing that a mother’s greatest wish is for her child to be happy.

Before long, Ivan resigns as a guard, seeks employment he enjoys, and decides to pursue his own life. Life challenges every one of us, but it’s us who decide whether it’s a comedy or a tragedy.

Though everyone has things or people they can’t let go of, obsessing over them only deepens the wounds, causing more pain and harm to oneself. If we don’t want to miss what’s right in front of us, we must let go of the past that should be let go of, just like Ivan, and embrace the present wholeheartedly.

As Plato said: “If you’re not happy, let go. The greatest regret in life is easily giving up what shouldn’t be given up, while stubbornly holding onto what should be let go of.” The joy of childhood can be direct and pure. Upon entering the adult world, we can also experience life without shackles or burdens. Simplify, let go, and create space for happiness—it’s the best way to live the latter part of life.

2. Strive in Life, But Don’t Forget to Find Joy

How would you choose if asked to give up your dreams for reality?

The son of a bakery owner, Luke, after finishing middle school, stayed to help in the bakery, although his dream was to attend medical school.

He knew his father was aging and his sister needed care, so he made a compromise with reality, taking on the responsibility of caring for his family.

Starting work at three in the morning every day, his life was hard and monotonous.

Living solely out of duty, Luke found no happiness.

Not until his father learned of his dream, and after a fierce internal struggle, fired him from the bakery and sent him to the medical school he’d dreamed of, telling him:

“This is where you belong. If you find being a doctor as unfulfilling as being a baker, come back home, and this time, I’ll teach you the baking skills properly.”

From then on, Luke’s life truly began. He was no longer sluggish but filled with passion for the future.

However, facing illnesses and the cycle of life and death daily, despite passing professional exams, life became less beautiful than he imagined.

True joy comes from doing what you genuinely love.

This time, Luke had no complaints but was filled with drive and enthusiasm, deciding to be a happy baker for life.

Though it seemed like a roundabout way back to the start, Luke’s journey was crucial.

Sometimes what people long for isn’t what they truly love, and what they love might not look glamorous on the surface.

No profession is superior to others; finding joy in what you do is what matters most.

This was Luke’s growth and the pleasure of trying; without attempting, one might never discover their true love.

Walking this detour made him realize that living isn’t about chasing elusive dreams, but finding satisfaction and happiness in the present.

The famous humanistic psychologist Rogers said, “A good life is a process, not a state; it’s a direction, not a destination.”

For the journey of life, whether rough or smooth, as long as one lives authentically and happily, and bravely moves forward, there’s never a wrong path taken.

3. Refuse Mental Exhaustion; Be A Happy You

The boy’s lowest point started with a school transfer.

In the new environment, he felt uneasy.

Classmate Mark resented him; his crush was with someone else; a teacher punished him over trivial matters by making him sweep leaves…

Worse, his father fell for another woman, leaving him and his mother, disappearing without a trace.

Witnessing his mother’s grief yet unable to help, he longed for his father to visit, share a meal, or attend his graduation, but all hopes were dashed.

He reassured his mother saying “it’s okay”, but couldn’t hide his disappointment. This emotional void accompanied his growth.

He could understand others but never grasped his own feelings.

He and Sophie were classmates and colleagues, but after dating, he didn’t cherish her, often neglecting her, merely acting the part of a boyfriend.

This attitude hurt Sophie, while he remained fixated on Claire from his childhood.

Amidst the confusion, he suffered his mother’s sudden demise.

Returning to his long-abandoned hometown and house, he finally appreciated his mother’s boundless, tolerant love:

She’d inquire patiently about his school life after the transfer, watch Amazon documentaries with him when he was lost in thought…

She even believed in his “imaginative” conversations with shadows in the attic.

This loving mother never judged him with an adult’s perspective, preserving his imagination and gentleness, gently nurturing his growth.

She once told him, “My greatest wish is for you to grow up happily.”

Recalling these words, the boy emerged from his childhood shackles, finally understanding his own feelings.

He decided to end the superficial relationship with Sophie, chasing a dream from childhood, and eventually found a deep connection in love.

Thus, one should not drain oneself mentally, use limited time for valuable pursuits. Once freed from “non-existent shackles”, happiness, long lost, will be rediscovered.

Those with happiness, are also blessed with luck.

In conclusion

The poet Homer said, “He who chases shadows is himself a shadow.”

And the novel “The Shadow Thief” conveys through each emotional story:

Seek your true self, discover what you love most, then pursue it with all your might.

Life, in the end, is a journey of self-discovery. This pursuit lends a beautiful meaning to life:

  • In the face of harsh reality, know the importance of happiness.
  • Only with happiness can one find a touch of sweetness in the bitter reality.

On a random occasion, Luke baked bread for everyone, seeing their satisfaction after tasting the delicious bread, he experienced the long-lost joy, and finally decided to return to his father’s bakery.

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