How to Build Self Esteem in Children: Top 10 Tips

When we talk about “self-esteem,” it seems like something for adults.

  • Frustration at work, criticism from a boss;
  • Confessing feelings to a girl only to be publicly rejected;

In these moments, we can feel the presence of self-esteem, even hear it shattering inside.

But what about children? Where does self-esteem manifest in them? How can we help our kids build self-esteem and confidence, growing into lively and cheerful individuals?

Children need to establish self-esteem to gradually develop independence. A child’s self-esteem is cultivated from a young age, and as their first teachers, parents have a primary responsibility to nurture it. Here are some key principles for fostering your child’s self-esteem.

10 Tips on Building Self-Esteem in Children

1. Respect Your Child

As parents, it’s fundamental to respect our children. It starts with speaking to them kindly and adjusting how we converse with them. Teaching them to respect themselves boosts their self-worth. Remember, when children like and value themselves, they feel more significant.

2. Trust Your Child

For a child’s self-esteem to flourish, trust is essential. Believe in their words. A lack of trust can sow seeds of doubt in their young minds.

3. Engage in Equal Conversations

One of a child’s deepest wishes is to be treated fairly, even if they’re not expected to act like adults. Their perspective of the world might be different from ours. By bending down to their level and engaging in equal dialogue, we make them feel cherished.

4. The Power of Attitude

Your attitude towards your child shapes their behavior. If you nurture and see them as wonderful kids, they will likely grow into wonderful adults. Our attitudes play a defining role in the relationships we share, especially with our children.

5. Honor Their Dignity

Even from a young age, children are aware of their “face” or dignity. Many parents assume young kids don’t understand this concept. However, by unintentionally hurting their dignity, we can affect their self-esteem.

6. Let Children Take Charge

Encouraging kids to make decisions is foundational in building self-esteem. Whether it’s about daily routines or which extracurricular activities to pursue, give them a voice. This sense of agency helps them realize that they shape their destiny, reinforcing their dignity.

7. Teach Respect for Others

Respecting others is a basic value. As Rousseau said, “Our attitude towards others is often a reflection of their attitude towards us.” Lead by example and show them the importance of treating others well. In teaching them respect, we also nurture their self-awareness – a cornerstone for success.

8. Show Unconditional Love

During the parenting journey, it’s vital to separate our love for the child from our opinions about their actions. Continuously show them unconditional love, reinforcing the idea that no matter what, your love remains unchanged. Such unwavering support nurtures their self-esteem and self-worth.

9. Recognize Their Strengths

In their tender years, kids might not recognize their abilities. Instead of focusing solely on their shortcomings, celebrate their strengths. Recognizing their talents and abilities is crucial for building self-esteem.

10. Praise Their Achievements

Applauding your child is fundamental. By praising them, you guide them in the right direction. Always amplify their positive actions and achievements, which will eventually boost their confidence in doing good.

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