How to Be Disciplined: The 5-Step Success Formula

Success doesn’t just happen. It demands intent, driven by self-discipline. — John Maxwell

Ever felt like you’re not moving in the direction you wish to, be it in relationships, career, health, weight, or spiritual aspirations? The cornerstone to unlocking these ideal goals is self-discipline. It plays a pivotal role in everyone’s life.

By leading a life filled with discipline, you can magnetize all the right things and achieve success in various spheres of your life.

Before we delve deeper into how to infuse self-discipline in your life and make it a habit, let’s understand its meaning and definition.

What is Self-discipline?

In the words of Scott Peck, self-discipline is “an essential principle to resolve the pains of life, approached with an active and positive attitude.” It encompasses four main areas: delaying gratification, taking responsibility, respecting the facts, and maintaining balance.

Self-discipline is an innate ability to control your actions, thoughts, and emotions. It’s about making yourself work hard or act in a particular way, regardless of your physical or emotional state. It’s the deliberate choice to pursue betterment, amidst distractions, obstacles, and challenging circumstances in life.

While many confuse self-discipline with self-motivation or willpower, it’s vital to note that they differ. While motivation and willpower supplement it, perseverance, resilience, and the drive to work hard are equally integral.

The Importance of Self-discipline

Whether it’s for personal development, business/career ambitions, physical workouts, weight management, combating ailments, dieting, spiritual awakening, or wealth creation, a disciplined approach is paramount.

Let’s explore how self-discipline positively impacts various aspects:

  • Helps you stick to and achieve tough goals.
  • Boosts your self-esteem.
  • Paves the way for a healthy daily routine.
  • Instills good habits.
  • Makes you more efficient, ensuring quality work.
  • Enables perseverance and success, even amidst insurmountable challenges.
  • Enhances your emotional intelligence.
  • Refines your focus.
  • Offers better time management.
  • Aids in combating procrastination.

How to Cultivate Self-discipline?

Self-discipline is the secret ingredient to success in life. Knowing how to control oneself is the gateway to achieving our goals. So, let’s unlock this door and understand how to establish self-discipline. Here are some strategies to nurture it:

01/05 Setting Goals

“Achieving great things begins with defining your goals, then taking action towards them.” — Brian Tracy

Having a direction in life is crucial. As Kant put it, “Living without goals is like sailing without a compass.”

If you aren’t sure of the direction you’re heading in, it’s easy to get lost or veer off track. You’ll often find yourself distracted and, at times, exhausted.

Wise goals give you direction, a roadmap, and a timeframe, ensuring that you discipline yourself in the pursuit of those goals. Not only do they provide the focus you need, but having impactful long-term goals can help you resist immediate pleasures or short-term rewards, something scientifically proven by the Marshmallow Test. All of these guide you to be more disciplined.

02/05 Cultivating Self-awareness

“When one looks in the mirror, they never see a stranger. Their self-awareness constantly whispers, ‘That’s me.'” — Schopenhauer

Being self-aware allows you to observe your own thoughts.

It makes you recognize your actions, behaviors, and emotions. We can only change what we are aware of. Once recognized, your self-control can steer them in the right direction.

03/05 Embracing Discomfort

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.” — Jim Rohn

One of the primary reasons we lack discipline in life is our tendency to avoid things that are uncomfortable, boring, unfamiliar, or challenging. We lean towards tasks that are effortless, cozy, engaging, and known. Embracing all these discomforts is where discipline resides.

Begin with small tasks, the ones you’ve been procrastinating for one reason or another. Training through discomfort will take you a long way in self-regulation and discipline.

04/05 Strengthening Willpower

“With strong willpower, naturally comes capability, wit, and knowledge.” — Dostoevsky

Willpower is essentially those bursts of concentrated energy, making it one of the mightiest forces within us.

Each time you need to undertake an undesirable task or exhibit a behavior contrary to your wishes, you employ this willpower. This force is instrumental in fostering discipline. Reflect upon moments in your life when you’ve altered your behaviors through sheer willpower.

It’s true, there are instances when even with strong willpower, we’ve met failures. Don’t fret, many of us have been there.

In fact, like muscles, the more you train your willpower, the stronger it becomes. This provides more chances to modify your behaviors and habits, thereby becoming more disciplined.

05/05 Continuous Practice

“Through consistent discipline and self-control, great character is developed.” — Grenville Kleiser

One of the elements that require ongoing cultivation is self-discipline. No one is born disciplined; it’s a learned behavior and a life skill. It can be developed and fortified, but regularity is crucial. Just as with any skill you aim to master, it demands daily practice and repetition.

Stay disciplined in every aspect of life. If you falter, repeat and try again. You may find that while the first week of sticking to a new balanced diet, a new exercise regime, or a new morning routine went smoothly, by the second or third week, you might revert to your old ways.

Motivate yourself and start anew. In due time, you’ll make it a habit and embed it into your lifestyle.

In Conclusion

“As we strengthen our discipline, with love and life’s experiences growing hand in hand, we get to better understand the world of our own growth and our place in it.” — Scott Peck

Now it’s over to you. Hope you enjoyed this piece on establishing self-discipline for success. If you have experiences or insights on cultivating self-discipline, please feel free to share in the comments.

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