14 Effective Communication Strategies in The Workplace

Effective communication within the workplace can profoundly influence every facet of company productivity and success. By understanding potential communication obstacles and strategies to surmount them, you can be a more efficient team member, fostering successful interactions at work.

In this piece, delve into the essence of communication strategies, identify various types of communication barriers, and uncover 14 tactics to enhance workplace communication.

What Are Communication Strategies?

Communication is how we exchange information with others. Strategies encompass verbal, non-verbal, and other modes, designed to enhance our ability to interact effectively with an individual or group:

  • Verbal Communication: This encompasses spoken interactions such as speeches, video chats, and calls. It also includes written exchanges, like letters, texts, and emails.
  • Non-verbal Communication: This relates to how we communicate without words, like through body language, visual cues, and facial expressions. Tone, too, is a form of non-verbal communication, impacting how your message is perceived.
  • Visual Communication: This is relaying information visually, as seen with websites using infographics, illustrations, and text. Another instance might be communicating with employees via notice boards or safety signs in the office.

Implementing communication strategies across all modes can enhance the clarity and reception of your message.

Types of Communication Barriers

While we all communicate daily in diverse ways, not all exchanges are efficient. The manner in which we relay information can significantly influence its interpretation, possibly creating barriers to accurate comprehension. For instance, texting your boss about taking a day off might come off as unprofessional. However, a phone call to discuss the matter might be better received. Here are some communication challenges that could make effective exchanges at work challenging:

  • Physical Barriers: Refers to the workplace’s layout, like separate workstations or closed office doors, or perceived zones within the workspace.
  • Emotional Barriers: Stem from feelings like mistrust and fear. For example, someone might misinterpret their manager’s communication if they’re intimidated by them.
  • Linguistic Barriers: Relate to the manner in which one verbally and non-verbally communicates. This could be jargon, unfamiliar expressions, or acronyms. It can also be the written and spoken language used.

Employing communication strategies in the workplace can help navigate these barriers, ensuring effective information transmission.

14 Friendly Strategies to Enhance Workplace Communication

Non-verbal Communication Techniques:

1. The 7-38-55 Rule: In the 1970s, psychologist Albert Mehrabian conducted extensive research, concluding that:

Impressions are formed 7% by words, 38% by tone of voice, and 55% by body language and appearance.

2. Be Mindful of Body Language: Your gestures, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues play a pivotal role in effective communication. Align your body language with your message.

3. Stand or Sit Upright: An upright posture promotes positive, effective communication. Ensure you’re not slouched during conversations.

4. Consider Your Tone: The tone of your voice can significantly influence how others interpret your message. Make sure it matches what you’re trying to convey.

5. Maintain Eye Contact: This simple act indicates you’re attentive and engaged in the conversation.

Active Listening Techniques

1. Ask for and Give Feedback: Offering and seeking feedback shows you value the conversation and the perspectives shared.

2. Use Verbal Nods of Agreement: Insert small affirmations like “uh-huh” to encourage the speaker and show you’re listening.

3. Don’t Interrupt: Allow the speaker to finish their thoughts, showing respect and genuine interest.

4. Focus on the Speaker: Concentration is vital. Dedicate your full attention to the speaker, acknowledging you’re receiving their message.

Verbal Communication Techniques

1. Minimize Distractions: Optimal communication happens with minimal disruptions. Put away mobile devices, close laptops, and avoid potential distractions during interactions.

2. Attend Public Speaking Courses: These can boost your confidence during interactions and hone your verbal communication skills.

3. Affirm Others: When conversing, validate others through nods, facial expressions, and engaging in the conversation when apt.

4. Practice Empathy: Understand the emotions and feelings of those you’re communicating with, making your interactions more meaningful.

Written Communication Techniques

1. Proofread and Edit: Before sending any written message, spend a moment reviewing and editing for clarity and professionalism.

2. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling: Avoid shortcuts, slang, or jargon. Ensure words are spelled correctly and used appropriately for maximum understanding.

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