Beginner’s Guide: How to Build a Personal Brand

Back in 1955, David Ogilvy touched upon the concept of Brand Image, stating that “A brand is a complex symbol, an intangible mix of a product’s attributes, its name, packaging, price, history, reputation, and the way it’s advertised.” Today, in the fiercely competitive world of work, standing out is increasingly challenging. However, many have turned to a strategy predominantly used by businesses – branding – to successfully navigate these challenges.

Whether you’re in your current job or on the hunt for a new one, shaping your personal brand is key to giving yourself an edge. Your personal brand follows you, whether you nurture it or not. The way you present your professional self matters and can greatly aid you in becoming a valuable leader.

What Exactly is a Personal Brand?

Understanding the essence of personal branding is the first step in the right direction. It’s about marketing yourself and your career to enhance relationships with bosses, colleagues, and clients. Turning yourself into a brand helps steer perceptions of you and how much trust you can cultivate over your career. It encompasses creating a unique voice, image, and ethical standards. It’s a continuous effort; you can’t just pen an impressive blog post and rely on it forever. Simply being present on social media isn’t enough to craft a personal brand.

Steps on How to Build a Personal Brand Successfully

Establish Trust with Those Around You

Trust isn’t something that grows wildly and widely. It’s something you have to cultivate, and a unique personal brand is a great way to do it. When asked who consumers trust the most, it’s almost always individuals. Companies might have a broader visibility, but they’re often seen as less trustworthy. In fact, brand messages are shared 24 times more frequently if they come from individuals. So, with authenticity and sincerity, you can leverage your personal brand to build trust.

Carve Out Your Niche

One of the most valuable aspects of a personal brand is finding your niche. Standing out in a broad field like “marketing” can be challenging. Zoom in on something more specific, and you amplify your skills. Your target audience might be narrower, but you’re more likely to connect. For most of my career, I’ve focused on Wikipedia. It might not sound thrilling, but it made me the go-to person for those needing a Wikipedia page.

Stepping Up as a Thought Leader

While aiming to be a thought leader might not be everyone’s top priority, it’s entirely possible, especially if you’ve found your footing in a niche market. Whether you’re penning articles or engaging in interviews, consistently sharing valuable insights and advice can pave your way to that esteemed position. At the heart of it all? Building trust through genuine and actionable guidance.

In Conclusion

To be revered as an expert in your field, it’s crucial to speak authentically, offer genuine advice, and genuinely express your thoughts. When done right, personal branding can beautifully align with personal growth and career achievements.

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