The Spirit of Boxing: 21 Boxing Quotes

I don’t think his hands could take the abuse. – Randall Cobb

They Only Made One Mistake, They Signed This Fight. – Ferdie Pacheco

Life doesn’t run away from nobody. Life runs at people. – Joe Frazier

I don’t like any sport except boxing and bull fighting. – David Bailey

Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world. – Frank Bruno

I’ve seen George Foreman shadow boxing and the shadow won. – George Foreman

I’ll beat him so bad he’ll need a shoehorn to put his hat on. – Muhammad Ali

Depression comes in bouts. Like boxing. Dad is in the blue corner. – Joe Dunthorne

Once that bell rings you’re on your own. It’s just you and the other guy. – Joe Louis

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. – Emo Philips

All the time he’s boxing, he’s thinking. All the time he was thinking, I was hitting him. – Jack Dempsey

Boxing is a celebration of the lost religion of masculinity all the more trenchant for its being lost. – Joyce Carol Oates

Boxing is the ultimate challenge. There’s nothing that can compare to testing yourself the way you do every time you step in the ring. – Sugar Ray Leonard

A boxing match is like a cowboy movie. There’s got to be good guys and there’s got to be bad guys. And that’s what people pay for – to see the bad guys get beat. – Sonny Liston

Every fighter should really do that if they can, because if you build a fan base at home first, then once they receive you at home, it’ll be easier to be received elsewhere. – Roy Jones Jr.

The possession of muscular strength and the courage to use it in contests with other men for physical supremacy does not necessarily imply a lack of appreciation for the finer and better things of life. – Jack Johnson

People don’t realise what they had till it’s gone. Like President Kennedy – nobody like him. Like The Beatles, there will never be anything like them. Like my man, Elvis Presley – I was the Elvis of boxing. – Muhammad Ali

I’m not a tough guy or a good fighter at all. [Boxing] is just a great way to work out that’s not boring. It’s also good for your mental health. If you have an Irish or Scottish last name you should definitely do it. – Gavin McInnes

Man, I’ve been to jail. It was hell in there, but I survived, If they put me back, I’ll come out again. I’m one of the world’s great survivors. I’ll always survive because I’ve got the right combination of wit, grit and bullshit. – Don King

Politics is comparable to boxing. The only thing is that in politics there are basically no rules. In boxing, you can get a black eye, but in politics you can get poison in your food or a bullet in the head. It’s definitely rougher and tougher than other sports. – Wladimir Klitschko

Boxing is an American sport – a ‘so-called sport’ to many – in which images of incalculable beauty and violence, desperation and ingenuity, are routinely entwined; the sport that evokes the most extreme reactions – loathing, revulsion, righteous indigation; a fierce and often inexplicable loyalty. – Joyce Carol Oates

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