81 Appreciate Quotes for a Thankful Heart

Appreciate the moment. — Isamu Noguchi
Acknowledgment, award, appreciation. — Mary Anne Radmacher
Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation. — Dale Carnegie
Everyone appreciates being appreciated! — Lance Mitchell
Appreciate life instead of resisting it. — Judy Tatelbaum
The applause of a single human being is of great consequence. — Samuel Johnson
The virtue which we appreciate, we to some extent appropriate. — Henry David Thoreau
All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man. — Henry David Thoreau
How many of us really appreciate the childishness of the unconscious mind? — Milton H. Erickson
Live all of your life. Understand it, see it, appreciate it. And have fun. — Joss Whedon
Once you’ve been in space, you appreciate how small and fragile the Earth is. — Valentina Tereshkova
The day is of infinite length for him who knows how to appreciate and use it. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
All appreciations and praises are worthless unless the one you love appreciates — Amit Abraham
To appreciate the beauty of a snow flake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold. — Aristotle
Hopeful thinking can get you out of your fear zone and into your appreciation zone. — Martha Beck
We ought not to have to wait for sorrow before we can appreciate the sweetness of joy. — J.R. Miller
it is far better to appreciate and not to possess, than to possess and not to appreciate. — Lilian Whiting
Every day, tell at least one person something you like, admire, or appreciate about them. — Richard Carlson
You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers. — Les Brown
The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was. — Walter J. West
Next to invention is the power of interpreting invention; next to beauty the power of appreciating beauty. — Margaret Fuller
When everything else physical and mental seems to diminish, the appreciation of beauty is on the increase. — Bernard Berenson
I entirely appreciate loyalty to one”s friends, but loyalty to the cause of justice and honor stands above it. — Theodore Roosevelt
Expressing gratitude seems like a cosmic invitation for all kinds of thankfulness and appreciation to pour in. — Mary Anne Radmacher
Sometimes you have to experience the bad, so that you can learn to appreciate the good things that enter your life. — Leon Brown
One we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life. — Jerome K. Jerome
The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. — Denis Waitley
Some people like living in black and white worlds. Let them stay there. Appreciate all the colors you see in your world though. — Ashly Lorenzana
Kindness is not about instant gratification. More often, it’s akin to a low-risk investment that appreciates steadily over time. — Josh Radnor
I appreciate all my fans, on all occasions, everyday of my life. Its your presence & your loyalty that has given me great strength — Michael Jackson
Bravery is fearlessness-the absence of fear. The merest dolt may be brave because he lacks the mentality to appreciate his danger. — Napoleon Hill
The more we study the Indian’s character the more we appreciate the marked distinction between the civilized being and the real savage. — Nelson A. Miles
Reminiscing, with obvious emotion, on his long career: It’s like the size of the crowd here today. It always surprises me. But I do appreciate it. — LaVell Edwards
Sometimes we are inclined to class those who are once-and-a-half witted with the half-witted, because we appreciate only a third part of their wit. — Henry David Thoreau
Leaders who fail to appreciate this fundamental precept of accountability must also fail to muster the profound commitment true leadership demands. — Peter Cosgrove
The loftiness of understanding embraces all. It requires as much spirit to suffer the failings of others as it does to appreciate their good qualities. — Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de Sable
Basically, as a kid I grew up to a lot of good music, and part of my appreciation for music, from being a small child, was appreciating Jamaican music. — Adrian Young
I have always had an interest in fashion and design and I appreciate style and timelessness within my footwear and accessories both on and off the court — Maria Sharapova
You don’t like presents or anything new, you don’t even need a card. You prefer your appreciations to be something of helpfulness, for someone else’s regard. — Julie Hebert
One appreciates that daily life is really good when one wakes from a horrible dream, or when one takes the first outing after a sickness. Why not realize it now? — William Lyon Phelps
The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them. — Gilbert K. Chesterton
I’ve learned it’s really important to work hard and keep your family and friends close. You’ve got to let them know how much you appreciate them for sticking by you. — Carrie Underwood
My battles with addiction definitely shaped how I am now. They really made me deeply appreciate human contact. And the value of friends and family, how precious that is. — Robin Williams
One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them. — Thomas Sowell
We, in our Province, are beginning to realize and appreciate that our slowness in keeping up with our North American neighbours may well have been a blessing in disguise. — Alex Campbell
I appreciate that question because I, in the state of Texas, had heard a lot of discussion about a faith-based initiative eroding the important bridge between church and state. — George W. Bush
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have. Stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have. — Wayne Dyer
Don’t just be yourself. Be all of yourselves. Don’t just live. Be that other thing connected to death. Be life. Live all of your life. Understand it, see it, appreciate it. And have fun. — Joss Whedon
However amazing a dish looks, it is always the taste that lingers in your memory. Family and friends will appreciate a meal that tastes superb-even if you’ve brought the pan to the table. — Gordon Ramsay
Im not so sure that younger people today really appreciate the enormous bravery that went into the creation and production of that film, or how important a film at the time it really was. — Rod Steiger
If you don’t appreciate what you have in life right now, whatever it is, you will never realize your purpose. Without appreciation, you will never become strong enough to respect yourself. — Caroline Myss
The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one’s appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship. — Amelia Earhart
Work is doing what you now enjoy for the sake of a future which you clearly see and desire. Drudgery is doing under strain what you don’t now enjoy and for no end that you can now appreciate. — Richard Clarke Cabot
One ought to be ashamed to make use of the wonders of science embodied in a radio set, the while appreciating them as little as a cow appreciates the botanic marvels in the plants she munches. — Albert Einstein
I had such a wonderful life before drugs and alcohol abuse. I’ve got that life back now and plan to keep it. Maybe I had to go through what I did to get to this point, to appreciate this life more. — Harvey Martin
When you’re being real, that’s endearing to an audience. When you’re not being real and you’re making jumps to things that don’t really follow how they would in reality, people don’t appreciate that. — Jason Dohring
Because of the fact that we’ve been through so much, we’re going to appreciate every step of being parents. I think we’re going to savor it and cherish it and we’re going to be the best parents we can be. — Bill Rancic
One simply cannot come to a cause like the kingdom of God, with its celestial concepts, and not appreciate and identify with what Ammon said: “Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.” — Neal A. Maxwell
He was at a starting point which makes many a man’s career a fine subject for betting, if there were any gentlemen given to that amusement who could appreciate the complicated probabilities of an arduous purpose. . . . — George Eliot
The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don’t know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don’t appreciate what a powerful language is. Once you learn Lisp you will see what is missing in most other languages. — Richard Stallman
Every once in a while we remember that life is short, and to appreciate the time with your friends and family, and to be open to have beautiful exciting moments in your days and stop worrying about what’s pulling you down. — Garrett Hedlund
If connoisseurship is the art of appreciation, criticism is the art of disclosure… Connoisseurs simply need to appreciate what they encounter. Critics, however, must render these qualities vivid by the artful use of critical disclosure. — Elliot W. Eisner
Acceptance is appreciation, and the high value of appreciation is such that to appreciate appreciation seems to be the fundamental prerequisite for survival. Mankind will not die for lack of information; it may perish for lack of appreciation. — Abraham Joshua Heschel
If the evidence supports the historical accuracy of the gospels, where is the need for faith? And if the historical reliability of the gospels is so obvious, why have so many scholars failed to appreciate the incontestable nature of the evidence? — Robert W. Funk
I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, for example, although there are plenty of others, too. They are the most blessed people in the world, and they don’t appreciate it. — Betty White
Find a teacher who is an integral being, a beacon who extends his light and virtue with equal ease to those who appreciate him and those who don’t. Shape yourself in his mold, bathe in his nourishing radiance, and reflect it out to the rest of the world. — Laozi
As you’ve progress further in the Playoffs, the ice usually gets a little softer. It’s tough to keep it that cold. We could make it hard, but it would be about 4 degrees in the building. I’m sure the fans wouldn’t appreciate that very much, wearing parkas in June. — Chris Pronger
We usually evaluate creative process in terms of how much feeling or thinking was behind the work or how well the work was done. Isn’t there any other way of appreciating the process? What if the standard of excellence was how fully present the artist was during the process? — Kazuaki Tanahashi
[Art] would have helped us survive in the Pleistocene – in the period, say, 1.6 million years ago until fairly recently. The kind of imaginative abilities that artists have and that we all have in the appreciation of art – to appreciate Jane Austen, the late quartets of Beethoven. — Denis Dutton
Yeah, we should all line up along the Bosphorus Bridge and puff as hard as we can to shove this city in the direction of the West. If that doesn’t work, we’ll try the other way, see if we can veer to the East. It’s no good to be in between. International politics does not appreciate ambiguity. — Elif Safak
The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. — Barack Obama
There are few of us so blind as not to realize that unless the moral force of religious conviction impels, the goal of truth and lasting international cooperation cannot be attained; there are few of us who do not appreciate the vital truth of the words, “If God does not build the house, those who build it build in vain.” — Sumner Welles
Generally, appreciation means some blend of thankfulness, admiration, approval, and gratitude. In the financial world, something that “appreciates” grows in value. With the power tool of appreciation, you get the benefit of both perspectives: as you learn to be consistently thankful and approving, your life will grow in value. — Doc Childre
I really think that parenthood cracks you open, which sounds so vague, but it is a different type of vulnerability. That’s the bottom line. There isn’t a second that I’m with my daughter that I don’t appreciate every moment we have. All you want to do is protect her and create the best bubble possible for her to view the world. — Jeremiah Brent
Whatever work you undertake, do it seriously, thoroughly and well; never leave it half-done or undone, never feel yourself satisfied unless and until you have given it your very best. Cultivate the habits of discipline and toleration. Surrender not the convictions you hold dear but learn to appreciate the points of view of your opponents. — Syama Prasad Mukherjee
When you are praising, when you are appreciating, when you are acknowledging value, when you are looking for positive aspects, when you are laughing, when you are applauding, when you are joyous, when you are feeling that feeling of appreciation pulsing through you, in those times, there IS NO RESISTANCE within you. You are, in those moments, vibrationally up to speed with who you really are. — Esther Hicks
In the campaign back in 2007, 2008, people would say, “Oh, he’s being naïve. He thinks that there’s no red states and blue states. And wait ’til he gets here.” And I will confess that, I didn’t fully appreciate the ways in which individual senators or members of Congress now are pushed to the extremes by their voter bases. I did not expect, particularly in the midst of crisis, just how severe that partisanship would be. — Barack Obama
I like working with directors because I’m really opinionated about what things work and may not work, what audiences like and may not like, (not really) but I do have opinions about things. I like to be able to say them and then have them acted on. The director who responds to me like that, always gets my appreciation. I do appreciate it. What I find is the best directors, no matter what kind of name they have, are like that. — Morgan Freeman
I know how bad a thing it is to be a slave and I know how terrible it was but I don’t believe that there’s a free person in the whole world that knows how good a cup full of water can taste. Because you have to be a deprived slave, to be kept waiting for your water like we were to really appreciate how good just one swallow can be. When we finally got a drop on our tongues it was like something straight from the hands of the Almighty. — Walter Mosley
This element of surprise or mystery — the detective element as it is sometimes rather emptily called — is of great importance in a plot. It occurs through a suspension of the time-sequence; a mystery is a pocket in time, and it occurs crudely, as in “Why did the queen die?” and more subtly in half-explained gestures and words, the true meaning of which only dawns pages ahead. Mystery is essential to a plot, and cannot be appreciated without intelligence. — E. M. Forster
How I feel about and behave toward myself is the basic determinant of most of my behavior. If I improve my self-regard, I will find that dozens of behaviors change automatically. If, for example, I increase my feelings of self-competence, I will probably be less defensive, less angered by criticism, less devastated if I do not get a raise, less anxious when I come to work, better able to make decisions, and more able to appreciate and praise other people. — William Schutz

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