55 Adventure Quotes Loved by Thrill-Seekers

Happiness depends upon ourselves. — Aristotle
Do not follow where the path may lead. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every exit is an entry somewhere else. — Tom Stoppard
To die will be an awfully big adventure. — James M. Barrie
Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing. — Friedrich Schiller
You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. — Janis Joplin
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. — Mark Twain
Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. — Jacob Bronowski
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. — Helen Keller
To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. — J. K. Rowling
You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. — Rabindranath Tagore
Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. — Andrew Sachs
Opportunities are often things you haven’t noticed the first time around. — Catherine Deneuve
Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. — Gustave Flaubert
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death. — Omar N. Bradley
As you awaken, may your dreams greet you by name, and may you answer, “Yes!” — Mary Anne Radmacher
There is no doubt that running away on a fresh, blue morning can be exhilarating. — Jean Rhys
Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. — John Updike
Life means opportunity, and the thing men call death is the last wonderful, beautiful adventure. — Alice Foote MacDougall
Muhammad is more human, more self-doubting, even self-tortured at times. His story is full of adventure, intrigue, betrayal. — Deepak Chopra
Then in my early teens, when the home computer bubble was blowing, I had one of the first, an Acorn Atom, and used to write primitive adventures on that. — Graham Nelson
Autonomy, adventure, imagination: entrepreneurshi p comprehends all this and more for us. The characteristic art form of our age may be the business plan. — William Deresiewicz
The extent of my personal BMX adventures were all [on] dirt tracks. But just the aesthetic of it that early-to-mid-’80s BMX is something that’s just part of me. — Matt Skiba
Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature. — Tom Robbins
To live our lives fully, to work whole heartily, to refuse directly what we can’t swallow, to accepts the mystery in all matters of meaning- this is the ultimate adventure. — Peter Block
To me, the kitchen is a place of adventure and entirely fun, not drudgery. I can’t think of anything better to do with family and friends than to be together to create something. — Ted Allen
Why should men be allowed to strut under the privilege of their life adventures, wearing them like a breast full of medals, while women went all gray and silent beneath the weight of theirs? — Carol Shields
When their adventures do not succeed, however, they run away; but it was the mark of a brave man to face things that are, and seem, terrible for a man, because it is noble to do so and disgraceful not to do so. — Aristotle
Disneyland will always be building and growing and adding new things… new ways of having fun, of learning things, and sharing the many exciting adventures which may be experienced here in the company of family and friends. — Walt Disney
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and ‘with malice toward none and charity for all’ go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail. — Henry A. Wallace
If a man devotes himself to the instructions of his own unconscious, it can bestow this gift [of renewal], so that suddenly life, which has been stale and dull, turns into a rich unending inner adventure, full of creative possibilities — Marie-Louise von Franz
I drank lots of water and orange juice and took a multivitamin and iron supplement for breakfast, which was my regimen since Bill had come into my life and brought (along with love, adventure, and excitement) the constant threat of anemia. — Charlaine Harris
The most splendid moment of an adventure is not always the moment of fulfilment, not even the moment of conception, but the moment of first accomplishment, when the adventurer deliberately sets his face toward the new road, knowing that his boats are burned. — Katherine Cecil Thurston
The only thing I ran into is that I am a wanderlust, as far as travel and adventure. I will go off on any given moment with the family and friends to explore the world. I go around the world once a year. I go to Africa, you know, Russia, wherever… I love it. — John Travolta
It is part of my responsibility as a bridge builder to speak the truth about what’s great about America, what we’ve done right, and what our less glorious moments. And many people feel that the Iraq adventure, for example, has been one of our less glorious moments. — Feisal Abdul Rauf
So let the way wind up the hill or down, O’er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy; Still seeking what I sought when but a boy, New friendship, high adventure, and a crown. My heart will keep the courage of the quest, And hope the road’s last turn will be the best. — Henry Van Dyke
Bravery and adventure! That’s the ticket! Don’t sit and gather moss. Get up, get out, do what you dream of doing, and if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, and you don’t need to made that particular mistake again, but at least you won’t get old wondering what if you had. — Garrison Keillor
Life is an adventure of passion, risk, danger, laughter, beauty, love; a burning curiosity to go with the action to see what it is all about, to go search for a pattern of meaning, to burn one’s bridges because you’re never going to go back anyway, and to live to the end. — Saul Alinsky
When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull, a product that stimulates body and mind, it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years – now its called adventure sports, extreme sports, and outdoor sports. — Dietrich Mateschitz
I want my job to include a little adventure, a little more of a heightened reality than what I’m actually living. And ‘Castle’ has that. He gets this opportunity to tail these homicide detectives, and he’s driven by that. He’s a little immature, but he’s obviously loving life. — Nathan Fillion
I was twenty when I discovered war and photography. I can’t say that I wanted to bear witness and change the world. I had no good moral reasons: I just loved adventure, I loved the poetry of war, the poetry of chaos, and I found that there was a kind of grace in weaving between the bullets. — Luc Delahaye
Look at The Adventure. A boat by night is a wonderful sight. This is the way to start a new life, with a hurricane lamp shining at the top of the mast, and the coastline disappearing behind one as the whole world lies sleeping. Making a journey by night is more wonderful than anything in the world. — Tove Jansson
The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of like is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give. — William Arthur Ward
Until that time, her betrayals had filled her with excitement and joy, because they opened up new paths to new adventures of betrayal. But what if the paths came to an end? One could betray one’s parents, husband, country, love, but when parents, husband, country, and love were gone – what was left to betray? — Milan Kundera
Cormoran Strike is an amazing creation and I can’t wait for his next outing. Strike is so instantly compelling that it’s hard to believe this is a debut novel. I hope there are plenty more Cormoran Strike adventures to come. A beautifully written debut novel introducing one of the most unique and compelling detectives I’ve come across in years. — Mark Billingham
The perils, rewards, punishments, and fulfillments of an adventure must be real, or the adventure is only a shifting and heartless nightmare. If I bet I must be made to pay, or there is no poetry in betting. If I challenge I must be made to fight, or there is no poetry in challenging. If I vow to be faithful I must be cursed when I am unfaithful, or there is no fun vowing. — Gilbert K. Chesterton
It was that quality that led me into aviation in the first place — it was a love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty. It lay beyond the descriptive words of man — where immortality is touched through danger, where life meets death on equal plane; where man is more than man, and existence both supreme and valueless at the same instant. — Charles Lindbergh
Think of managing change as an adventure. It tests your skills and abilities. It brings forth talent that may have been dormant. Change is also a training ground for leadership. When we think of leaders, we remember times of change, innovation, and conflict. Leadership is often about shaping a new way of life. To do that, you must advance change, take risks, and accept responsibility for making change happen. — Charles E. Rice
I guess the cool thing about the ’80s is the kind of like adventure in terms of, you know, people were very willing to use sounds that were completely ridiculous or whatever. There was a lot of stuff happening in the ’80s and it’s all over the place. I guess that’s probably the coolest thing for me and that’s what I like about it. Just kind of that like, ‘Oh, what’s this sound? Oh that’s wacky. Let’s use it anyways.’ — Emma Stone
Why does one want to walk wings? Why force one’s body from a plane to make a parachute jump? Why should man want to fly at all? People often ask these questions. But what civilization was not founded on adventure, and how long could one exist without it? Some answer the attainment of knowledge. Some say wealth, or power, is sufficient cause. I believe the risks I take are justified y the sheer love of the life I lead. — Charles Lindbergh
The children know all about everything so well that it never occurs to them to play at the situations in any one of these tales, or even to read it twice over. But let them have tales of the imagination, scenes laid in other lands and other times, heroic adventures, hairbreadth escapes, delicious fairy tales in which they are never roughly pulled up by the impossible —even where all is impossible, and they know it, and yet believe. — Charlotte Mason
I Need a Good Book I need a good story. I need a good book. The kind that explodes Off the shelf. I need some good writing, Alive and exciting, To contemplate all by myself. I need a good novel, I need a good read. I probably need Two or three. I need a good tale Of love and betrayal Or perhaps an adventure at sea. I need a good saga. I need a good yarn. A momentous and mightily Or slight one. But with thousands and thousands And thousands of books, I need someone to tell me The right one. -John Lithgow — John Lithgow
Every light has a point where it is brightest and a point toward which it wanders to lose itself completely. It must be intercepted to fulfill its mission; it cannot function in a void. Light can go straight, penetrate and turn back, be reflected and deflected, gathered and spread, bent as by a soap bubble, made to sparkle and be blocked. Where it is no more is blackness, and where it begins is the core of its brightness. The journey of rays from that central core to the outposts of blackness is the adventure and drama of light. — Josef von Sternberg
Bears are made of the same dust as we, and they breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are overdomed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with heart pulsing like ours. He was poured from the same first fountain. And whether he at last goes to our stingy Heaven or not, he has terrestrial immortality. His life, not long, not short, knows no beginning , no ending. To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal eternity. — John Muir
The preservation of parks, wilderness, and wildlife has also aided liberty by keeping alive the 19th century sense of adventure and awe with which our forefathers greeted the American West. Many laws protecting environmental quality have promoted liberty by securing property against the destructive trespass of pollution. In our own time, the nearly universal appreciation of these preserved landscapes, restored waters, and cleaner air through outdoor recreation is a modern expression of our freedom and leisure to enjoy the wonderful life that generations past have built for us. — Ronald Reagan

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