10 Signs of a True Friend: The Pillars of Endearing Friendships

Life is incomplete without friends, but genuine friendships are indeed rare. Envious friendships need to be sown with loyalty, watered with enthusiasm, nurtured with love, and maintained with understanding to finally reap the reward of reliable friends.

So, what makes a person a true friend?

After much thought, I believe that a person with the following 10 signs would be a true friend worth cherishing immensely.

Discover the 10 Signs of a True Friend | Genuine Friendship

1.  Willing to Accompany

Reliable friends are like siblings. When everything in your life is going well, they are happy for you without any trace of jealousy or dismay. During rough times, they support you silently, providing a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent. Moreover, a reliable friend will empathize with your situation, offering helpful advice from your perspective, instead of flattery or unhelpful remarks.

2. Exhibits Humility

Simply put, a good friend’s “shine” won’t blind you. They don’t flaunt their achievements at work; they don’t demean you to appear superior, and even if they come from a wealthy background, they don’t brag about it. Confidence is a commendable trait, but a true friend’s confidence doesn’t come across as arrogance; they remain humble in their words and actions.

3. Values Honesty

Without open and sincere communication, the quality of friendship won’t be high. Any profound relationship is built on trust, and once honesty is lost, the bond between people crumbles. Moreover, honest friends have numerous positive impacts on life: a study by scholars at Brigham Young University shows that people with honest friends are less likely to suffer from depression and stress, and such friends are more likely to encourage good life habits, embodying the saying “you are influenced by the company you keep.”

4. Keeps Promises

Reliable people stand by their word. Such friends won’t break their promises for petty gains. Even in hardship, they stick to their word, giving a sense of security knowing that they will keep their promises no matter what.

5. Respects Boundaries

Although good friends can share everything, everyone has their “little world,” including values, perspectives, principles, and personal beliefs that aren’t easily changed or criticized by others. A reliable friend has the intuition to not easily cross these lines, respecting your opinions, giving you enough personal space, and not blaming you recklessly.

6. Stays Content

Generally, reliable people like to do things methodically, providing a sense of security to those around them. Though everyone yearns for freedom, those willing to follow norms tend to be more loyal. Importantly, such friends are not likely to get bored with long-term friendships but cherish the hard-earned bond.

7.  Incorporates into Life

Some friendships are conditional, like being good colleagues or classmates. However, true friendship seeps into every aspect of your life. Such friends consider you an indispensable part of their life, thinking of you often, inviting you to new movies, not missing out on birthday wishes, and sharing fresh experiences. They make you feel needed and remembered.

8.  Remains Authentic

With some friends, even after a long time, you may still feel a sense of formality. Reliable friends allow you to see their genuine, vulnerable side. They share their deepest desires and secrets, trusting you to accept and keep them confidential. Such a person also encourages you to be honest, shed pretenses, share, and respect each other’s differences.

9. Is Selfless

Such friends genuinely care about your feelings and happiness, willing to sacrifice a bit for your sake. They stand by you when you are in dire need, extending a helping hand. They wholeheartedly wish for your improvement and yearn for joint progress.

10. Shares Past

Everyone has some past they are reluctant to mention, but in true intimate friendships, there’s the courage to share such matters. Through sharing, both gain strength from each other’s experiences, achieving a deeper emotional connection.

Last Words

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves; friends can accompany us through life; friends can be our warm haven.

Truly worthwhile friends understand sincerity, kindness, and trust. They help you when you are in trouble, accompany you when you need it, and call out to you when you are lost.

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