10 Life-Changing Movies to Watch When You’re Depressed

Each one of us, to varying degrees, will encounter the lows in life,

feeling self-doubt, bewildered about the future…

Learning to face these lows calmly is an ongoing process.

These 10 life-changing movies below will greatly assist you when you’re depressed。

10 Uplifting Movies to Watch When Depressed

1. Green Book

Green Book clinched five prestigious awards and nominations, including Best Picture at the 94th Oscars!

Set in the 1960s America, a time marked by racial discrimination, the “Green Book” was a guide created for the safe travel of Black individuals, detailing hotels and restaurants in various cities where they were welcome. The story revolves around a wealthy Black pianist who wishes to tour from the North to the South, and hires a tactful white man to be his driver to handle various matters along the way. The movie unfolds a warm road trip that breaks racial prejudices and fosters a profound friendship between individuals of different races.

While the theme centers on “racism”, it’s essential to look beyond it; observe how the Doctor faces discrimination calmly, with a brave heart fighting against injustice; how Tony, no matter how tired, takes the time to write letters to his wife, and the poetic “Dear Dolores” from the Doctor to Tony’s wife; the silent exchange and shouts between a well-dressed Doctor and ragged black individuals by the roadside when the car breaks down; and the moment when the Doctor, finally stepping out of his solitude, receives a sincere and warm hug from Tony at his home.

Memorable quote:

“Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. When you work, work, when you laugh, laugh, when you eat, eat like it’s your last meal.”

Green Book

2. Heidi

Heidi, a young girl who lost her parents at an early age and grew up with her aunt, is sent to live with her almost estranged grandfather at the age of 5. Though initially cold and reserved, her grandfather warms up to Heidi’s genuine kindness. Not only does Heidi touch her grandfather’s heart, but she also garners two precious friendships along the way.

The springtime in the Alps is portrayed beautifully in the movie, enticing you not to blink, fearing you’d miss even a fraction of the scenic beauty. If you have time for just one heartwarming movie, “Heidi” is the one to watch, with its visuals and narrative being a treat for both your eyes and soul. It hopes to encourage viewers to listen to their inner voices.

Memorable quote:

“People love to discuss evil things, you need to judge for yourself, trust your eyes and ears.”

“If there’s something in life that brings you joy, go for it! Don’t care about what others say.”


3. En man som heter Ove (A Man Called Ove)

59-year-old Ove is a grumpy, sharp-tongued, and strictly principled man. Following the loss of his beloved wife to illness, he lives alone. Every morning, he patrols his neighborhood irritably, ensuring no misparked cars, shooing away unpermitted vehicles, and chasing off disruptive pets; in the eyes of his neighbors, he’s the “neighbor from hell.”

However, the same temperamental old man, after being laid off at 59, feels life has lost its meaning and decides to end it all. But death seems to elude him; whenever he’s ready for his “suicide rituals,” unforeseen incidents interrupt. While the story may seem to revolve around death, it actually emphasizes how to live a fulfilling life. If you’re finding life challenging lately, Ove’s quirky yet endearing story may not provide an immediate relief, but it’ll surely shed light on the essential lesson of making peace with oneself.

En man som heter Ove

4. Little Forest

The movie follows the tale of a common girl, Ichiko, who once ventured to Tokyo but found herself unable to adapt to the city’s fast pace. She chooses to escape the hustle, returning to the village of Little Forest where she grew up. Although her mother is no longer around, the delicious meals prepared by her using the local produce still linger in her memory. Merging her nostalgia and love for her hometown with cooking, she creates a modest yet comforting life with her diligent hands. The soothing pace and picturesque frames of the movie are utterly comforting. It narrates a story at a gentle pace, with flashes of memories in the mundane routine, capturing the essence of life effortlessly. It’s a healing movie that’s worth a rewatch.

Memorable quote:

“With gained experience, whether it’s a failure or success, you’re no longer at the starting point, hence, it’s not a circle, but a spiral.”

Little Forest

5. The Fox and the Child

A ten-year-old girl is intrigued by a fox catching a mouse on her way to school, and she visits the same spot in the forest daily hoping to see the fox again. However, from autumn to winter, she never finds it. She later learns that spring is fox hunting season, and through her perseverance, the worried girl finally finds the fox along with its three kits. But the fox, wary of her, relocates its den overnight. The girl decides to give the fox its space, waiting patiently by the trees to spot it again. Gradually, they become acquainted, and the fox takes the little girl on a wondrous adventure through the forest…

The movie’s depiction of nature is full of vitality, showcasing mountains, rivers, trees, sunlight, animals, and open fields. The sunlight casting down between the mountains and the forest, the changing shadows, and the dew-kissed flowers and plants convey the refreshing scent of nature to the audience.

The story ends with the girl’s love for the fox leading her to keep it in her home, but the fox, belonging to the wilderness, eventually leaves her. Through the fox’s desperate escape, even at the cost of injury, the girl comes to understand that love is not about possession.

Memorable quote:

“Because they don’t belong to me, they have their own lives, understand? I confused love with possession back then.”

The Fox and the Child

6. The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet

Young T.S. Spivet is blessed with a brilliant mind, with a passion for cartography and scientific illustrations. At the tender age of ten, he invents a perpetual motion machine. His father is a cowboy fanatic, engrossed in everything about the Wild West; his mother is a biologist with a fascination for insect studies; while his sister is just a normal person, often troubled by living in a house of oddballs. T.S. once had a fraternal twin brother, Layton, who passed away due to an accident.

One day, T.S. receives a call from the Smithsonian Institution, informing him that he’s been awarded the prestigious Baird Prize, inviting him to Washington for a speech. Thus, the ten-year-old prodigy, T.S. Spivet, secretly hops on a freight train, embarking on an extraordinary journey across America.

Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s films, who also directed Amélie, are always warm and healing, making you feel like you’ve experienced a beautiful dream rather than watched a movie. The endless fields, the dust stirred by passing trains, and the fairy tale-like houses depicted are not only aesthetically pleasing but make Spivet’s journey filled with whimsical and interesting events, a delightful watch for the audience without revealing too much of the storyline.

Memorable quote:

“Sometimes, taking the long way, doing meaningless things, embarking on a journey without a goal, it’s easier to find the direction in life.”

“The peculiarity of droplets is that they always find the path of least resistance, whereas for humans, it’s just the opposite.”

7. Under the Tuscan Sun

The failure of marriage is a harsh blow for Frances, a writer in her thirties. Her friends, aiming to help her move on, arrange a trip for her to the beautiful Tuscan region in Italy. Unexpectedly, this trip changes Frances’s life forever.

While in Tuscany, Frances stumbles upon an advertisement for a countryside villa. A series of coincidences tie her fate to this house, leading her to make the bold decision of leaving everything behind in the United States to start anew in this foreign land. As she sets up her new home, she’s swamped with numerous chores and new encounters, but everything is moving in a positive direction. A fresh start brings new romance, with the Tuscan sun shining warmly on Frances’s heart.

This 20-year-old film is brimming with Italian charm, the perennial brilliance of Tuscan sun, the sea by the cliffs in Positano, and the handsome Italian men encountered on the way showcasing the enchanting ambiance of this romantic and free-spirited country. It’s believable that not only did Frances find her path in life here, but you, as a viewer, will also find solace under the Tuscan sun. This is a film that I revisit almost every year, with each viewing offering a unique experience.

Memorable quote:

“Unthinkably good things can happen even late in the game. It’s such a surprise.”

“To live a colorful life, dare to venture into different realms, maintain a childlike enthusiasm, and all will be worth it in the end.”

8. Avis de mistral

In a surprising twist, the hitman Léon from “Léon: The Professional,” retires and settles down in Provence to cultivate olive trees. The story focuses on Paul, who resides in southern France, and his grandchildren from Paris. However, the beginning is not as harmonious as expected, with the arrival of the grandchildren being quite the unexpected guests for Paul.

Seventeen years ago, his only daughter chose love, leaving without a word for Paris. Now, unable to care for her children due to her busy schedule, she sends them to spend the summer with their grandfather in Provence. The summer in Provence comes with warm winds, beautiful flowers, delightful wine, and heartwarming stories shared among the three generations.

Life encompasses more than just romantic love; the love shared among family and friends is equally precious. There are various ways to express love. The gentle breeze and tender moments of summer in Provence are perfect for embracing this sentiment.

Memorable quote:

“I don’t want time to fly by, I want to watch the days pass, see the pale blue light at dawn, and the sun at our side at noon, like Piere’s velvet. In Paris, you just wake up and go to sleep, seeing nothing, I call that imprisonment.”

“To have a few good friends accompanying you from youth to old age on travels and crazy adventures makes life worthwhile.”

9. The Shawshank Redemption

This masterpiece holds a special place in countless film enthusiasts’ hearts, topping the list of motivational films!

Andy, due to a court mishap, ends up in prison. Amid the gloom of prison life, some reveal the evil nature of humanity, while others, like Andy, choose self-redemption. Regardless of the pain and torture he experiences, Andy never abandons his beliefs and hope, accomplishing one improbable task after another within the prison walls.

This story transcends a mere prison break tale; its greatness lies in the hope it instills in the audience. Just like a quote from the movie says, “Any place you can’t leave is a prison,” facing the many “prisons” of life, it’s only when our spirit breaks free from shackles that we truly escape confinement.

10. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

If the monotony of day-to-day life leaves you feeling down, this movie is a perfect pick-me-up! The protagonist, Walter, is a regular employee at ‘Life’ magazine responsible for photo processing. His days are mundane, and though he fancies a female coworker, he lacks the courage to pursue her, finding solace only in daydreams. One day, in search of a crucial roll of film, Walter embarks on an adventure he never thought possible.

From daring stunts and extreme challenges to traversing Greenland, the Himalayas, and Iceland, Walter discovers the essence of life through breathtaking experiences. Life is about daringly exploring the unknown; if you’re always lost in daydreams, you’ve never truly lived. Real adventures and surprises begin the moment you take that first step, proving to be a thousand times more exciting than daydreaming!

Last Words

As the lights dim and the screen brightens, we dive deeper into a fascinating world of cinema, witnessing the colorful lives of different characters.

Those awe-inspiring, touching, or heartwarming moments offer us gentle solace.

Movies are a form of art that create dreams and heal hearts. So, immerse yourself in the myriad unforgettable beauties spun by the silver screen, and embrace the inspiring power that can touch your heart deeply.

Remember, it’s the hope blossoming in despair that fills our life with promise. Everyone faces lows in life; all you need to do is to keep pushing forward.

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